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Open Competition 2023 Results

FIRST PRIZE: Damage by Sarah Doyle


SECOND PRIZE: my life on a postcard by Dillon Jaxx


THIRD PRIZE: Canary Sharon Black


Highly Commended:

  • Franz Joseph Pilgimage by Ilse Pedler

  • Irish Sabbath by Siobhan Ward 

  • After we tell our mummy… by Vanessa Lampert



  • Prevailing Conditions  Sarah Doyle

  • Three Days Helene Demetriades

  • After  Helen Overell

  • How to write a poem…  Mary Mulholland


  • The Child Show Charles Mawer

  • A year of headlines… Val Ormrod

  • Reporter Sharon Black

  • Observing the Cell Caroline Gilfillan

  • What are little girls made of Elizabeth Barton

  • Under an Orange Sky Tim Waller

  • Wreck-diving Thea Smiley

  • What I didn’t keep Vicci Bentley

  • 1970s Boys Vanessa Lampert

  • Dog Circus Ilse Pedler

  • Teaching my son to play chess AC Clarke

  • When David Bowie.. Deborah Finding

  • Getting the summer clothes out Lucy Crispin

  • The Croime of Spaking Pauline O’Dell

  • Surgeons Clare Starling

  • Fred’s Kit Diana Pritchard

  • This the memory Roger Elkins

  • Sink Hole Tim Waller

  • Your Name, Beth  Chrissie Dreier

  • Disappearing Act  Jane Kite

  • Sarah Raven’s Gardening Catalogue  Sylvia Banham

  • Migration  Morag Anderson

  • After the Storm Siobhan Ward

  • Three Ghosts Suzanna Fitzpatrick



The 2023 Open Competition was adjudicated by Julia Webb.

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